one thing all my boys love no doubt are pickles n mom grows  a ton of cucumbers so it was a no brainer which is easy for me cauz i lack one  lol actually it was really easy n we gone thru 12 jars outta 35 of da dill and 3 of da hot so far this summer lol  way better than store bought flavor wise but first before we get into da recipe u gotta get a good picklin beat in yo head or they dont turn out so me n da little ones got ours. goes like this give me a beat dre

fine ill freestyle.  everyday im picklan picklan picklan   cuttin up cukes n put em in da can      then da dill weed an   da garlic an    boil da water put em in an seal da can. if u not a picklan fan.  u heard my song n ran. imma pickle shit across da land n finish my bottle because i can.  just dropped da mic boom it fell out my hand. come at me em i nam  thats all i got not quite studio ready n needs samples but lol my 3 4 n 7 year old love it but we all da same mind set  lets pickle sum shit now lol  we need 

bunch of cucumbers from da garden or da store just make sure they the pickling type. most are

for our pickling brine we need

2 1/2 cups white distilled vinager

8 1/2 cups water

1/2 cup pickling salt
and to put in each jar we need

1/8.tsp alum powder

1/8.tsp mustard seed

1/4.tsp black peppercorns

a clove and a half of garlic

a dash of red pepper

2 sprigs of fresh dill   ill show u

a bunch of quart sized mason jars id say 5 for every 7 or 8 cucumbers

k first grab the brining ingredients n mix em all in a pot in bring to boil stirring constantly to dissolve da salt then turn da heat off

now take your jars n lids n boil them in a huge pot to serilize em  standard cannin shit  boil bout 10 min then let em dry a bit

while thats goin on take the cukes to da sink n start scrubbin em real good 

after they cleaned up n u had a smoke time to slice em

not da man of da house no more huh lol  u can do em in spears like above or  round slices or steak n shake style like below do what u do but how ever u slice em make sure to take at least a half inch off da top n bottom cause thats were the bad shit is n will cause your picklin to go bad. and depending on da size of your cukes u need to cut em short enough to fit in da jars wit at least 1/4 inch clearance from da lid u dont want em touchin da lid itll cause canning issues

now u got the hulks manhood all cut up lets work on da jars. hulk aint smashin nuttin 2nite lol

now take da dill n remove da sprigs they call it which is da grassy lookin shit on da stems  dont use da stems pretty much just da rest lol so it looks like whats below. thats da dill

take bout 2 stems worth of that in place it in each jar u using along wit all the other ingredients i said  earlier. and easy on da red pepper if u a puss lol or little ones are eattin em

awww ya. now we got da dill garlic n seasonin up in da jars. time to cram them cukes in there as much as it can take just make sure they not more than 1/4 inch from da top or the world will come to a end like crossin da streams in ghostbusters n shit lol

now u got them jars stuffed tight like prom night. sorry u cant keep a mc down for long i gotta spit that shit lol. down white boy down lol.  we gotta hit em wit dat brine we made back then lol. fill em wit da brine almost to da top bout a 1/4 inch clearance so bout all da way but  u gotta have a bit of area at da top of of da jar so the canning process can take place n all da air can escape n seal da jar during canning. u better off lookin it up cause i cant hold yo hand everytime we cross da street im scared too lol  hold on we need a moment of silence just lost another one

he was so young 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭  oh well happens bout every 3 days lol. anyhooo. now the jars are filled wit da brine wipe off da tops real good wit a paper towel so da lids seal good when u put em on and put em on snug not tight so air can escape durrin da cannin and thats next. so either look it up on or trust me ive done it for years….. k  guess imma tell ya lol.  u need a big ass pot. big enough to cover theses quart sized jars wit water by at least a inch. u gonna place no more than 5 jars in da pot n cover em wit water once again by at least a inch and bring da pot to a boil for at least 1o min then kill da heat n let sit 5 min before removing them wit jar tongs. ya there a thing u buy em by the jars n jarring shit in da stores lol

now if u got more jars to put in after the first batch let da water cool a bit or the new jars will break cause of the heat difference between da room temp jars and the  near boiling water

scary shit cannin. lives have been lost its no joke lmao but ya then take em out da pot n set em sum where coolish n let em sit undissturbed. did i spell that right lol i dont care.  n wait for that sweet sweet pop sound of da jar sealin   u can see da top of da jar lid has a bubble and when it sucks in its sealed and can be put in da cabinet for years but if it dont then u gotta open it clean da jar rim n try again n after u open a jar u gotta fridge it but its good for a few months easy. i can tell ya bout da birds n bees but cant stick it in for ya  lmao. picklins not da life for everyone lmfao. its a hard road. i got stories   but let the jars sit for at least a week but best to wait a month so they fully  pickle n flavor up all da way   k im lit but yay there ya go time for pickle porn

ohhhh. ya i forgot da hot pickles lol. just grab u a few of these habaneros 

wit sum gloves dice um up real fine n add em to da jars wit all the other ingredients. the more da hotter

after cannin let em sit bout a month the longer they sit da hotter they get trust me   k im done enjoy

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